Decision Maker: Executive Member for Open to Business
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
To consider approval for York and North
Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership to be a core partner for the
bid led by University of York, to be one of four new specialist
centres for Creative Industries virtual production. The application
will not result in any direct grant funding being awarded for the
LEP involvement but the LEP will undertake to support high-growth
businesses from the York and North Yorkshire area that are involved
in the programme. The core partner role will be provided by York
and North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership, for whom North
Yorkshire Council acts as Accountable Body.
Approval for YNY LEP to be a Core Partner to
the University of York, to participate in a bid to UKRI Arts &
Humanities Research Council to support high-technology growth of
the Creative Industries Sector in the York & North Yorkshire
region between 2023 and 2029 valued at over £6m for that
The role of the York and North Yorkshire Local
Enterprise Partnership as a Core Partner will be to support
commercialisation of the business opportunities presented by the
programme, specifically in the York and North Yorkshire areas. Work
was undertaken last year to analyse the local economy which has
informed an evidence-based approach to maximise the existing assets
and attributes of the region, and their potential to be developed.
The innovative technologies and scope for commercialisation into
businesses operating in the area which are proposed by the
application provide opportunity to deliver the high growth
potential that has been identified.
The alternative would be to decline the
invitation to be a core partner in the programme. The preferred
option is to partner with the University as proposed, supported by
the YNY LEP strategy to focus on six priority business sectors that
have the potential for high economic growth across the York and
North Yorkshire area, one of which is Creative
Publication date: 16/08/2023
Date of decision: 09/08/2023
Accompanying Documents: