Decision details

North Yorkshire Local Assistance Fund Re-Procurement.

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Since 2019, North Yorkshire Council have been in contract with Family Fund Business Services (FFBS). FFBS have administered the scheme, ‘North Yorkshire Local Assistance Fund’ (the NYLAF) originally; a 3 year contract with two possible extensions now exhausted.. On 31st March this contract will end.

The purpose of the assistance fund is to provide practical help for vulnerable people who are moving home or seeking to remain within their community often – but not always - due to a crisis. The fund helps to provide a few essential items. There are a range of reasons why people apply for help including: homeless vulnerability, domestic abuse, physical disability, substance dependency.

The purpose of this report is to seek approval to reprocure the Council’s contract of an Administrator for the Local Assistance Fund. The contract will continue to support the various replicants of the scheme.


The decision was taken to re-procure the administration of the North Yorkshire Local Assistance Fund (NYLAF). This will support NYLAF being delivered in an accurate, timely manner to the members of the public who require this service.

Reasons for the decision:

The executive decision was taken due to the current contract expiring at the start of 2024.

Alternative options considered:

Alternative options of delivering the administration of NYLAF in house or not providing the service were considered and both were rejected due to the financial and service impact they would cause.

Publication date: 06/09/2023

Date of decision: 04/09/2023

Effective from: 14/09/2023

Accompanying Documents: