Decision details

CYPS Grant Acceptance less than <£1m

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Education, Learning & Skills

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Permission to obtain acceptance of grants less than £200k from the CFO (sub-delegated to the Assistant Director – Resources) and to obtain acceptance of grants greater than £200k but less than £1m from the relevant Executive Member (following consultation with the relevant Corporate Director, the Corporate Director of Resources and the Assistant Chief Executive Legal and Democratic Services)


The Executive Member for Children’s Services is asked to note the acceptance of the following grants, based on current estimated amounts, for 2023/24:
Youth Justice, Turnaround programme, DDSF – Project 2b, Staying Puy grant, Partners in practice.
The Executive Member for Education and Skills is asked to note the acceptance of the following grants for 2023/24:
Multiply, Arts council; ( music service) Teacher’s Pension Employer Contribution Grant (Pre-16)
National Tutoring Programme ( academic year 22/23)

Reasons for the decision:

Following the creation of the new North Yorkshire Council and the development of the grant process within the new constitution, it is felt that is it prudent to layout all of the grant income which is received by the directorate, to ensure approval for the acceptance of these has been agreed by the relevant decision-makers.

Publication date: 13/09/2023

Date of decision: 12/09/2023

Effective from: 21/09/2023

Accompanying Documents: