Decision details

Double Devolution

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


The purpose of the report is to ask Executive to agree the recommended expressions of interest (EOI) of council services to be devolved to town or parish councils (Double Devolution) to take forward to the next stage of decision making following full business case of individual EOI.
12 expressions of interest (EOI) were received from Town and Parish councils by March 2023, and these have subsequently been evaluated. We are proposing to take 7 of these forward to business case and are seeking agreement from Executive of the 7 EOI recommended.
It is proposed that we will devolve assets and or services from April 2024.


Considered – A report of the Assistant Chief Executive Local Engagement advising on the outcome of the invitation that was sent to all town and parish councils seeking expressions of interest for double devolution pilots and seeking approval for those expressions of interest recommended to be jointly developed to full business case, and for other further work to be undertaken.


Councillor David Chance introduced the report and provided an overview of the expressions of interest received, as listed in paragraph 3.1 of the report, and the process undertaken to evaluate them.  Finally he provided a breakdown on the outcome of Evaluation Board and the next steps.


It was noted that all full business cases would be evaluated by the Council using a similar process as that used for the evaluation of the expressions of interest, and that the decision on which would be implemented would be taken by the Executive following consultation with the relevant Area Committee.


Recognising that Ripon City Council and Selby Town Council might require more support, Members welcomed the proposal to create two project teams, to work with them to bring forward their double devolution proposals for the Executive’s future consideration.


Specifically in regard to the Ripon City Council submission, Councillor Andrew Williams was pleased to note the proposal of that future support, given the previous fractured relationship with Harrogate Borough Council.


Overall, Members agreed that Double Devolution was the right thing to do, with the aim of having more decisions being taken locally, and it was


Resolved – That:

i.       The progress of the double devolution project and the outcome of the invitation to bid by town and parish councils be noted.

ii.      The recommendations set out in section 3 of the report as to the outcome of the double devolution evaluation panel be agreed as follows:

a.      That Settle Town Council, Little Ouseburn Parish Council and Stokesley Town Council not be invited to full business case.

b.      That Malton Town Council, Northallerton and Thirsk Town Councils, Richmond Town Council, Filey Town Council and Knaresborough Town Councils be invited to move forward to full business case.

c.      That Skipton Town Council and Whitby Town Council be recommended to move forward to full business case but with amendments to their Expression of Interest proposals.

d.      That separate project teams be established to work with Ripon Town Council and Selby Town Council to bring forward their double devolution proposals in acknowledgement of the ambition and complexity of their expressions of interest.

iii.     The next steps as set out in section 4 of the report be approved.

iv.     The proposed approach to further invitations to submit expressions of interest be agreed as part of a further report to the Executive in January 2024. as set out in section 5 of the reprot.






Report author: Rachel Joyce

Publication date: 19/10/2023

Date of decision: 17/10/2023

Decided at meeting: 17/10/2023 - Executive

Accompanying Documents: