Decision Maker: Executive Member for Highways & Transportation
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
This is confidential decision as instructed by
Department for Transport, pending government announcement
Approve the application and acceptance of the
allocated grant funding through the Department for Transport Safer
Road Fund project for improvements to the A19 south of the A63 to
the county boundary,
The Safer Roads Fund Round 3 provides a
valuable opportunity to secure significant investment for road
safety and highway improvement at a time when budgets are under
significant pressure and contribute to delivering highways and
transport policy objectives.
The Executive Member took the decision under their urgency power in
paragraph 13 of the Executive Members’ Delegation Scheme due
to the time constraints issued by the Department for
The only practical alternative is not to
accept the bid. However, this is not believed to be appropriate as
the Council's (and public's) interests would be prejudiced through
the loss of the benefit of the road safety improvements this
funding would generate.
Publication date: 11/12/2023
Date of decision: 16/11/2023
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