Decision details

Changes to services delivered by Yorwaste Ltd using the Teckal Procurement Exemption

Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Environmental Services & Climate Change

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To set out changes to the Teckal Services Contract to allow addition of services for the Selby locality area. Those services being:
- waste transfer station provision and bulking services for the Selby area
- the processing of dry mixed recycling from kerbside collections and the sale of material
The decision required is to approve proposals for the services to be delivered by Yorwaste Ltd.


The Assistant Director - Environmental Services and Climate Change, in consultation with the Executive Member for Managing our Environment, agreed to vary the Services Contract between NYC and Yorwaste Limited to provide waste transfer station, bulking, haulage and DMR reprocessing services in the Selby area.

Reasons for the decision:

The former Selby District Council has delivered waste and recycling services via third party contractors since 1999. Their current contract commenced on 1 October 2009 and is due to expire on 31 March 2024.
The new North Yorkshire Council, as a Unitary Authority, has a duty under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 to arrange for the collection and disposal of household waste and so a suitable contract succession plan must be in place to ensure continuity of the service in the Selby area.
A detailed business case was produced by Selby District Council officers to inform the decision on contract succession plans. This was considered by the Selby District Council Executive on 1 September 2022 who decided not to procure a replacement service.
On 20 September 2022, NYCC Executive noted the decision of the Selby District Council Executive not to re-procure the Environmental Services Contract and approved the in-house provision by the Council of Selby’s Environmental Services from 1 April 2024.
This decision assists in the implementation of the Executive decision to transfer the Selby Environmental Services Contract into The North Yorkshire Council, by ensuring that bulking, haulage and reprocessing facilities are provided for dry mixed recycling collected in the Selby area from 01 April 2024. The decision allows for the variation of the Teckal Services Contract to add provision of these services by Yorwaste Limited.

Alternative options considered:

A cross-departmental working group was established to mobilise the transfer of services and one element of this is the storage, bulking, transport, sorting and sale of dry mixed recyclate (DMR) collected within the Selby area.
The sub-group on the dry mixed recycling service considered a range of options:
•third party contracts for waste transfer station provision for receipt and bulking of DMR
•third party contracts for haulage of the DMR to reprocessing facilities
•third party contracts for the processing and sale of DMR
•provision of all services by Yorwaste, through the Council’s Teckal Services Agreement.
Benchmarking on costs of the various options was carried out and analysis concluded that provision through the Teckal Service Agreement offered best value to NYC.

Publication date: 20/12/2023

Date of decision: 18/12/2023

Effective from: 05/01/2024

Accompanying Documents: