Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Environment
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To present the outcome of the Harrogate (West)
20mph petition review and seek approval to recommended
Approval given to allow officers to
with the necessary consultations and Traffic Regulation Order (TRO)
process to seek to implement a 20mph speed limit, together with
associated traffic calming measures as identified in the
residential roads as outlined in Appendix A of the report and
with signing and lining reviews of Hookstone Road, Hookstone Drive
and Wetherby Road.
It was noted that Officers are to provide the Harrogate and
Knaresborough Area Constituency Committee with a progress update in
Spring 2024.
The recommendation aligns with several of the
Council’s priorities linked with Highway Safety, Place and
Environment and Health and Well Being. By introducing a reduced
speed limit from 30mph to 20mph in these areas it is hoped that a
safer and healthier environment will encourage enhanced active
travel opportunities for all ages of the community, this may be
walking, wheeling, accessibility to the bus or cycling. The
introduction of such measures is subject to satisfactory
consultation and the completion of the formal Traffic Regulation
Order advertising process.
Several strategic roads (highlighted red on
the plan in Appendix A) have also been considered, each location
has been considered in line with local policy and national
guidance, it is not recommended that the speed limits are reduced
at these locations. A commitment to review signing, lining, and
crossing points at several key locations have been identified and
presented within this report.
Publication date: 22/12/2023
Date of decision: 18/12/2023
Effective from: 09/01/2024
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