Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To agree the Harrogate and Rural Alliance
partnership arrangements for 2024/25
To agree the extension of the Section 75
Agreement for the Harrogate and Rural Alliance within scope of the
original contract, for a term of 12 months from 01/04/2024 to
31/03/2025 and that a further report will be brought forward for
consideration during 2024/25 on any longer-term arrangements
proposed for April 2025 onwards.
The benefits of extending the Section 75
Agreements and the Alliance Agreement is that the legal framework
is already in place; the extension has been agreed by partners; and
it allows the work to be undertaken to develop the intermediate
care model and review the wider HARA model in terms of the vision
for this moving forward.
The proposal is to focus on the core responsibilities of HDFT and
NYC, including the development of the intermediate care model; with
the latter focus including, potentially:
• Community Discharge Hub
• Supported Discharge Beds
• Reablement
• Occupational Therapy Team
• Urgent Community Response
• Intermediate Care beds (managed by NYC care provider
Three (3) other potential options have been
considered with regard to the development / future of the HARA
1. Ending both Section 75 agreements and replacing them with a
different, longer-term contractual arrangement – however, it
is felt that more testing of the benefits of the current integrated
model are needed before new longer-term arrangements are
2. Ending the HARA integrated model with effect from 31 March 2024
– this option would feel premature given the fact that COVID
has impacted significantly on the original ambitions and baseline
objectives and metrics for HARA.
3. Extending the current Provider Section 75 agreement for longer
than 1 year. There are contractual limitations of how long this
agreement can be extended for and therefore it is important that
this next twelve months are efficiently used to fully explore any
future agreements.
Publication date: 22/03/2024
Date of decision: 22/03/2024
Effective from: 29/03/2024
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