Decision details

Procurement of Materials, Tools & Plant/Welfare Hire for Social Housing and Housing Renewal Teams

Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Housing

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The purpose of this report it to obtain approval to tender for material suppliers as below
•the Supply of Plumbing


To approve procurement of a new contract for material supplies for the Harrogate, Richmond and Selby areas Council owned Social Housing and the Housing Renewal Handyman Service.

The contract will be an initial 2 years with the possibility of 2 x 1-year extensions

Reasons for the decision:

The decision to procure a contract for materials will allow our In House Operational Teams to continue essential work on its Council Social Housing stock, provide cost savings against current material supply routes and allow us to align our standards across the 3 housing stock areas.

Alternative options considered:

To not procure a contract for materials

This would leave the In House Operational Teams without a supply resource to carry out their essential repairs and maintenance, planned and void works on Social Housing Properties, which is not an acceptable option.

Publication date: 16/05/2024

Date of decision: 10/05/2024

Effective from: 25/05/2024

Accompanying Documents: