Decision Maker: Executive Member for Education, Learning & Skills
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The school term and holiday dates for the
academic year 2025- 2026 have been consulted upon.
Executive will be required to determine the calendar for 2025-2026
for North Yorkshire community and voluntary controlled
If there are no objections to the proposals this decision will be
taken by the Executive Member for Education and Skills.
To approve the term and holiday dates for
community, voluntary controlled, community special schools and
maintained nursery schools for 2025/2026 as set out in the calendar
identified at Appendix 1 to the report.
School employers are required to set the term
dates of their school year. Employers are: the local authority in
community, voluntary controlled and community special schools and
maintained nursery schools; the governing body in foundation and
voluntary aided schools; the academy trust in academies and Free
Schools. The Education (School Day and School Year) (England)
regulations 1991 require all maintained schools to educate their
pupils for at least 380 sessions (190 days) in each school year.
These regulations do not apply to academies and Free Schools; the
academy trust is responsible for deciding the length of the school
year. It is hoped that for consistency across North Yorkshire all
schools will adopt the recommended term dates.
In addition to these teaching days each school has five
professional development (PD) days for teaching staff. As in
previous years the authority has proposed three of these days. The
remaining two days will be identified by each school from the
The consultation to determine a school calendar for 2025/2026 was
launched on 22 March and closed on 1 May 2024. All maintained
schools and academies, teachers’ associations, trade unions
and other local authorities across Yorkshire and the North East
were consulted.
The authority received 24 responses from the online survey. These
were from 18 primary schools, 3 primary Federation and 3 secondary
schools. It is the view of the officers that none of the issues
raised as part of the consultation greatly affect the proposed term
dates for 2025-26. However, in recognition of the comments received
in relation to the Professional Development day in December 2024
(originally proposed for 19 December 2025) this has been moved to
the suggested alternative date of 5 January 2026.
Publication date: 21/05/2024
Date of decision: 21/05/2024
Effective from: 30/05/2024
Accompanying Documents: