Decision Maker: Executive Member for Education, Learning & Skills
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Following the publication of statutory
notices, to determine whether to change the age range at
Boroughbridge High School, effective from 31 August 2024, by
ceasing the Sixth Form Provision.
If there are no objections to the statutory notices, this decision
will be taken by the Executive Member for Education, Learning and
Skills at the meeting with the Corporate Director - Children and
Young People’s Service
That having undertaken the required
preliminary checks, the Executive Member resolves that the four key
issues listed in paragraph 7.3 have been satisfied and there can be
a determination of the proposals as follows.
To change the age range at Boroughbridge High School, effective
from 31 August 2024, by ceasing the Sixth Form Provision.
The numbers on roll at the School have been
falling for several years . This is partly due to an overall
general reduction in the numbers of local children in the catchment
area, with particularly smaller cohorts for entry in 2018/19 and
The school population is now stabilising and is projected to
increase in future. However, even if all A level students could be
retained at Boroughbridge High School, the Governing Body does not
feel that numbers would be large enough to provide a high quality
post-16 provision both in terms of curriculum and experience, or
that it would be financially viable
Publication date: 18/06/2024
Date of decision: 18/06/2024
Effective from: 27/06/2024
Accompanying Documents: