Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Community Development
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Decision to undertake a procurement exercise
for proposed upgrading works to the existing streetscape on land at
Low Street East in Sherburn In Elmet.
The procurement exercise is programmed to commence in 12.08.24
utilising the YORbuild framework. The scheme is programmed to start
on site in December 2024 and is due to complete in June 2025. The
total value of scheme £800k. There is external funding from
the UK Shared Prosperity Fund of £300k which must be spent by
end of March 2025.
Design work undertaken by Align PP.
Planning Permission granted on 01.05.24 (Decision No
Decision to undertake a procurement exercise
for proposed upgrading works to the existing streetscape on land at
Low Street East and Wolsey Croft in Sherburn In Elmet.
The procurement exercise is programmed to commence in 12.08.24
utilising the YORbuild framework.The scheme is programmed to start
on site in December 2024 and is due to complete in June 2025.
To enable procurement process to commence in
accordance with the Project Programme.
Publication date: 19/06/2024
Date of decision: 17/06/2024
Effective from: 28/06/2024
Accompanying Documents: