Decision details

Tin Footbridge, Skipton - Span 2 Replacement - Future Award of Contract

Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Resources (Environment)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To seek to award the tender for the Tin Footbridge Span 2 replacement.
[The budget for the scheme is £450k, however, it is recognised that the tender returns may exceed £500k due to the current unpredictability in tender prices, particularly with design and build contracts. Therefore a Key Decision may be required.]


To tender the scheme for the replacement of Tin Footbridge (Span 2) Design and Build contract.

Reasons for the decision:

The replacement of the span is a high priority scheme The replacement will be difficult, due to the location so a design & build contract is the most appropriate selection. The scheme is expected to cost in the region of £500k.

[The budget for the scheme is £450k, however, it is recognised that the tender returns may exceed £500k due to the current unpredictability in tender prices, particularly with design and build contracts. For the purpose of transparency, a Key Decision is should the budget exceed]

Alternative options considered:

Have two separate contracts, one for the span design and fabrication and one for the replacement works. This increases the risk on the council, allowing for errors between the 2 contracts to occur. Having the bridge design and installed under the same contract, by the same contractor, places the risk firmly with the contractor and should result in a comprehensive scheme with a reduced risk in design/installation errors.

[No report attached]

Publication date: 03/09/2024

Date of decision: 03/09/2024

Effective from: 14/09/2024

Accompanying Documents: