Decision details

Variation of Mental Health Community Services and Extension and Variation of Mental Health Supported Housing Contract

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To approve the variation and extension of the Mental Health Community Services and Mental Health Supported Housing contract and approve the inclusion of additional funding previously provided by Craven District Council into the main budget.


Approval has been given for the extension of the Mental Health Supported Housing Service contract within the scope of the original contract, for a term of 12 months up to 30 September 2025.
Approval has been given to include the former Craven district council supported housing service contract into the NYC contract, this service ran in parallel with the NYC contract.

Approval has been given to vary the remaining term of the contract for two Lots to apply a 9% negotiated uplift to the remaining term of these contracts to account for additional cost pressures beyond those initially anticipated in the tender.

Reasons for the decision:

Health and Adult Services commissions Mental Health Supported Housing services from a number of providers across the County to support people with mental health needs to develop the skills they need to live independently.

The aim of the service is to maximise and sustain independence in the community, prevent avoidable hospital admissions, and support people to achieve their rehabilitation and recovery goals.

Applying the variation and extension to the identified Lots ensures the continuity of service at full capacity whilst work is completed to re-procure the service from 2025 onwards.

Alternative options considered:

The alternative to applying an uplift to these contracts would be to reduce the number of units available within each contract. This would reduce the ability of the service to support individuals and promote good outcomes and was therefore discounted.

Publication date: 19/09/2024

Date of decision: 13/09/2024

Effective from: 27/09/2024

Accompanying Documents: