Decision Maker: Deputy Leader & Executive Member for Finance & Resources
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
To consider and approve the required budget to
fund the Service Management Platform convergence project as well as
the required budget to procure the system for Environmental Health,
Licensing and Trading Standards (including Farming, Food and
The funding of an implementation budget of
£577,784 for the 5768 Regulatory and Licensing Services
System and Business Process Convergence Project is
The current set up of multiple systems working
across multiple localities does not provide the flexibility for the
workforce that the new structure requires. Each locality operates
in a different manner in terms of processes within different IT
systems which makes cross-locality working currently very
The core aim of the Regulatory Services harmonisation is to
integrate the Environmental Health and Trading Standards functions.
Both services currently operate on the Civica platform which also
provides increased functionality for Licensing. Licensing now also
falls within the Regulatory Services service area. Convergence onto
the Civica system is the most suitable and cost-effective option
when considering the cost of a change to an alternative system,
timescale, data migration and staff training requirements.
The ‘do nothing’ option would mean
that the various regulatory services would continue to operate
across different systems and utilise different processes to produce
reports and case management depending on which legacy area the team
was based in.
This option was discounted because the basis of the service
restructure is that elements of the Environmental Health and
Trading Standards Teams will be fully merged, and the Environmental
Protection team needs to be able to operate in a uniform manner
across the whole of the North Yorkshire geography. There is also
the potential to explore integration between these teams and
Licensing. The services cannot operate following the Target
Operating Model with the existing multi system set up which also
causes inefficiencies within the services in terms of responding to
FOI queries and reporting and similarly in terms of causing
additional support requirements for Technology.
An alternative option - IDOX Uniform was discounted primarily
because it would not effectively facilitate the integration of the
Environmental Health and Trading Standards functions which is a key
outcome requirement of the Regulatory Services restructure.
Technically it would be possible to put Environmental Health,
Licensing and Trading Standards onto the IDOX platform but the loss
in functionality from the existing Civica system would render the
restructure ineffective as the cross-service working would be
hugely inefficient.
Trading Standards currently operates on the Civica system and had
previously discounted IDOX as a viable option based upon user
feedback from other local authority Trading Standards teams. As
part of the current project two Trading Standards teams currently
using IDOX were contacted to obtain direct user feedback and they
both offered the view that the current IDOX option would set the
service back in terms of operational service delivery.
It is worth noting that the IDOX system is an excellent system for
the Planning Service and that cross working between the Planning
and Regulatory services will still be possible if Civica if chosen
as the Regulatory Services option. This was demonstrated in the
former Hambleton Locality where a similar structure operated and it
was proved that efficiencies in internal response times could be
Publication date: 11/11/2024
Date of decision: 29/10/2024
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