Decision details

Fees and Charges - Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Environment

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider whether to make any variation to the current hackney carriage and private hire licence fees. If changes are proposed, to approve the publication of the relevant statutory notices.


The retention of the existing hackney carriage and private hire licence fees are approved for a further year.

Reasons for the decision:

The Council is expected to conduct regular reviews of licence fees to ensure that, where statutory powers exist, the cost of the hackney carriage and private hire licensing regime is recovered from applicants and licence holders.

Alternative options considered:

Consideration was given to varying the licence fees but this option was rejected.

Publication date: 28/02/2025

Date of decision: 28/02/2025

Effective from: 08/03/2025

Accompanying Documents: