Decision details

Registration Service Fees and Charges 2025-2028

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Environment

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To inform the Executive Member of the current service fees and charges structure and to obtain approval for fees and charges for the Registration Service for the financial years 2025-2028


The fees and charges for the Registration Service for ceremonies for the financial years 2025/26 to 2027/28 were approved, including:

i fees and charges for ceremonies by uplifting by inflation and introducing fees one year further in advance
ii weekday fee changes to provide further choice for couples
iii licensed venue fee increases
iv the removal of licensed venue fees for Town and Parish Councils.

Noting the amendments:

Standard Civil Marriage or Civil Partnership held at a Registration Office
01 April 2027 to 31 March 2028
Statutory fee set by the General Registration Office

Attendance at A Registered Building
01 April 2027 to 31 March 2028
Statutory fee set by the General Registration Office

Reasons for the decision:

These recommendations increase fees in line with inflation and provide customers with greater choice, and greater certainty when booking in advance of one year.

Town and Parish Councils are supported in providing local options for weddings and civil partnerships, alongside the opportunity to run assets where they want to take on additional responsibilities.

Alternative options considered:

None considered

Publication date: 28/02/2025

Date of decision: 28/02/2025

Effective from: 08/03/2025

Accompanying Documents: