Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Environment
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To feedback the results of a public
consultation on outline proposals for improvements to Whitby
harbourside public realm, including proposals to signalise the
junction of Spital Bridge and A171 and decide on the next steps for
the scheme.
The 2023 consultation outcome for zone six,
A171 New Bridge/Spital Bridge junction improvement is noted
i approval be given to proceed with the amended scheme for A171 New
Bridge/ Spital Bridge junction improvement, zone six, as shown in
Appendix C of the report;
ii a further report concerning the 2023 consultation outcome for
Whitby Harbourside Public realm scheme zones one to five, and any
amended proposals for zones one to five, be brought to this
committee in summer 2025.
This report deals only with zone six of Whitby
Harbourside Public Realm and there is therefore a need for officers
to report back on zones one to five.
There has been strong support for this junction improvement for
some time; during the consultation period of an Experimental scheme
in spring/summer 2021, which trialled traffic restrictions around
the swing bridge, and during the most recent public consultation in
November/December 2023.
There is a practical need to signalise this junction as, without
doing so, it would be very difficult to proceed with the remainder
of the Whitby Harbourside Public Realm proposals, which are likely
to involve flexible pedestrianisation of the area around Whitby
swing bridge. This is because when Whitby swing bridge is closed to
traffic (pedestrianised), all vehicles wishing to travel between
the east side of Whitby and the town centre need to use A171 New
Bridge/Spital Bridge junction. The right turn from Spital Bridge to
A171 New Bridge is a particularly difficult manoeuvre to make with
the junction in it’s present, unsignalised state.
Whitby Town Council is in support of the proposals generally,
although they are concerned about delay causing potential
frustration, and have requested to see greater detail of the
traffic signals design.
The Local Member is in full support of the proposals.
Funding for the scheme has been provided by Whitby town deal.
Many respondents to the 2023 consultation
questioned whether a roundabout would have been a more suitable
solution. A roundabout instead of traffic signals was considered
but ruled out for several practical reasons – see paragraphs
5.1 – 5.4 of the report.
Publication date: 28/02/2025
Date of decision: 28/02/2025
Effective from: 08/03/2025
Accompanying Documents: