Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Environment
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The report is to seek approval for the
revision of highway design guidance chapters, to bring them up to
date with current best practice.
It is approved that:
i Guidance on 278 and 38 agreements and the new NY Highway
Specification is agreed and published and used to inform the
decisions of the LHA in relation to its role as statutory consultee
on planning applications and in the context of highway adoption
from 1 March 2025 and
ii future decisions concerning guidance and specification are
delegated to the Assistant Director, Highways and Infrastructure
and Head of Network Strategy to efficiently permit future guidance
and specification chapters to be amended and updated as
Recommendations are made in order that highway
specification and information regarding the 278 and 38 process may
be published to assist in the planning and construction of highway
and highway assets, to adoptable standards.
The guidance acts to efficiently guide
developers through the S38 and 278 processes. The specification and
structures guidance form the basic stipulations that the council
will accept from third party development to enable adoption. This
is in line with best practice. There is therefore no alternative
option other than to revise and publish guidance in line with
present standards.
Publication date: 28/02/2025
Date of decision: 28/02/2025
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