Decision details

To approve the receipt of direct award Section 31 grants to support improvements in the quality and capacity of drug and alcohol treatment and recovery from 2025-26.

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


North Yorkshire has now received confirmation that continued additional funding will be made available in 2025-26, via separate direct award section 31 grants (Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Recovery Grant [DATRIG] and Individual Placement and Support Grant [IPS]).
Decision required:
The Corporate Director – Health and Adult Services is asked to inform the Chief Finance Officer of their approval for:
• Receipt of the direct award Section 31 grants by the council to support improvements in the quality and capacity of drug and alcohol treatment and recovery from 2025-26.
• Receipt of the direct award Section 31 grant for inpatient detoxification by Leeds City Council, as lead council for the Inpatient Detoxification Consortium


The Corporate Director – Health and Adult Services has informed the Chief Finance Officer that the council will receive direct award grants to support improvements in the quality and capacity of drug and alcohol treatment and recovery from 2025-26. Leeds City Council will also receive a direct award grant, inclusive of an allocation for North Yorkshire (for as long as the council is a member of the consortium), as lead for the Inpatient Detoxification Consortium, to fund additional medically managed inpatient placements.

Reasons for the decision:

A dedicated additional non-recurrent investment programme commenced in 2022 to support local and national improvements in the quality and capacity of drug and alcohol treatment and recovery - to support a reduction in substance use related harms and deaths.

These are direct award grants. Receipt of the grants is dependent on the council maintaining existing (based on a 2020/21 baseline) investment in drug and alcohol treatment services from the Public Health Grant.

The targeted funding will support North Yorkshire to deliver on ambitions within the North Yorkshire Substance Use Strategy 2024-2028.

Alternative options considered:


Publication date: 10/03/2025

Date of decision: 26/02/2025

Effective from: 18/03/2025

Current call-in Count: 0

Accompanying Documents: