Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Resources (Resources Management Team)
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To outline the rationale for the Council to
accept £425,000 of pre-awarded grant funding from the
National Lottery Reaching Community Fund. This funding will finance
the delivery of the Council’s Swift: Enabling Sustainable
Migrant Communities in North Yorkshire project. The project will be
delivered for migrant communities across North Yorkshire and thus
falls within the key decision criteria. Corporate agreement is
needed before a formal grant agreement can be entered into with the
To accept £425,735 over three years of
external grant funding from National Lottery Reaching Communities
Fund in agreement with the Executive Member for Finance and the
Executive Member for Corporate Services.
Swift is an integral part of the work of the
Migrant Programmes Team and the wider Localities Service; it is
included as part of the Council’s Corporate Plan. The project
will ensure migrants in North Yorkshire, from refugee, asylum
seeking and economic backgrounds, are able to enjoy equitable
access to Public and Voluntary Services as well being able to
represent themselves and advocate for their own community issues.
It will focus on four areas of delivery over three years beginning
in April 2025; professional advice and casework, community
development, an information and awareness campaign and a VCSE
capacity building programme. It has been developed through an
intensive UKSPF funded grassroots research programme,
‘Community Conversations’, that engaged with over 140
migrants from across the county from 10 different nationalities.
Swift has been developed according to identified migrant community
Publication date: 12/03/2025
Date of decision: 07/03/2025
Accompanying Documents: