Decision details

Decision to enable Continuity of Service for a Domiciliary Care Provider due to cease trading

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To approve the taking of all necessary action to employ the relevant staff of the domiciliary care provider to provide domiciliary care within Selby.
Decisions to appoint staff and determine their terms and conditions were non-executive decisions.
Please note that this decision was treated under special urgency and call in exemption procedures and is therefore NOT open to call-in.

Reasons for the decision:

To enable the continuity of domiciliary care service provision for, and protection of, North Yorkshire residents.
In order to provide the most efficient way in protecting the continuation of service in light of the recent announcement of the decision to cease trading of a domiciliary care provider that the Council has a contract with. It is recommended that the Council work with the Directors of the company and the liquidator to offer the relevant staff employment to continue to provide domiciliary care. Any long term options with regard to the service can then be considered with the relevant information and time to ensure all options have been appropriately considered.

Alternative options considered:

Without the Council’s intervention the company will cease trading and staff will not be able to provide a continued service. This will mean that the current provision of care to the company’s customers will be at risk and there will be no suitable provision. The Council has explored the option of an alternative provider to take over the existing contract, but this has not been possible in the timescales involved. Therefore the only viable option is for the Council to employ the relevant staff directly to provide the service.

Publication date: 15/06/2021

Date of decision: 15/06/2021