Decision Maker: Corporate Director Children and Young People's Services
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To consider feedback provided by the three
maintained nursery schools on the financial impact of the Covid
pandemic on their operations during the 2020/21 financial year and
to approve the proposed additional financial support to be provided
to assist them in mitigating Covid related financial losses.
Whilst the maintained nursery schools have been able to access the
CJRS, they have been unable to access other Government Covid
financial support mechanisms which have been available to the wider
schools and early years sectors. Any agreed additional financial
support will be funded from the local NYCC Covid Early Years
Financial Support Fund.
To approve the provision of the additional
Covid financial support to the Maintained Nursery Schools as
detailed in section 3.3 of the report. The additional financial
support will be funded from the local NYCC Covid Early Years
Support Fund.
The Local Authority is aware of the
significant financial challenges that the three maintained nursery
schools within North Yorkshire have faced as a result of the Covid
pandemic. A financial review was undertaken with each of the three
maintained nursery schools in order to determine the financial
impact in the 2020/21 financial year of the Covid pandemic on each
individual establishment.
Whilst the maintained nursery schools have been able to access the
Covid Job Retention Scheme, they have been unable to access other
Government Covid financial support mechanisms that have been
available to the wider schools and early years sectors. The
additional Covid financial support for the maintained nursery
schools as detailed in 3.3 of the report seeks to achieve parity
with the levels of additional financial support that has been
available to the wider schools and early years’ sector.
The Schools Forum have considered the findings of the review and
have endorsed the provision of the additional Covid financial
support to the Maintained Nursery Schools detailed in 3.3 of this
Publication date: 08/07/2021
Date of decision: 06/07/2021
Effective from: 16/07/2021
Accompanying Documents: