Issue - meetings

Approval of a new 20mph speed limit policy

Meeting: 11/01/2022 - Executive (Item 679)

679 Approval of a new 20mph speed limit policy pdf icon PDF 802 KB


Having noted the report, Executive Members are asked to recommend to the Chief Executive Officer that using his emergency delegated powers, he approve the revised 20mph Speed Limit and Zone policy as set out in Appendix 1.




A report of the Corporate Director – Business and Environmental Services setting out set out how the recommendations of the Transport, Economy and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee (TEE O&S) review of the existing 20mph speed limit policy had been achieved, and seeking approval of a revised draft 20mph Speed Limit and Zone Policy.


County Councillor Don Mackenzie introduced the report confirming the Executive previously approved all of the recommendations arising from the scrutiny review undertaken by a Task Group of the Transport, Economy and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee, on the County Council’s existing 20mph Speed Limit Policy.  He noted the report now being considered detailed how those recommendations had been introduced and incorporated into the revised Policy.


County Councillor Don Mackenzie also confirmed that as the County Council’s Road Safety Champion, he took the safety of the public very seriously, and that saving lives and the safety of the road network were his greatest priorities.  He also acknowledged the 20’s Plenty Campaign.


Allan McVeigh, Head of Network Strategy provided a detailed overview of the report and the progress made to date in implementing the scrutiny review’s approved recommendations, and drew attention to the revised 20mph Speed Limit and Zone Policy at Appendix 1.


The Leader welcomed the members of the public who had registered to speak at the meeting.


Mr Ian Conlan, representing 20s Plenty presented his statement which read as follows:


·           Your voters want default 20mph.

·           58 Parish Councils in our County have voted for it.

·           You have not consulted with either.

·           Parishes are your eyes and ears on the ground, and are reporting on going problems to you, with the expectation you act upon them.

·           70% of voters support default 20mph in surveys, before AND after implementation.

·           This policy frustrates active travel, excluding the most dangerous, fastest roads in settlements where default 20mph has the biggest impacts on road safety.

·           Your focus on casualty records for 3 years in each location, ignores the fact that 30mph speeds suppress active travel and community cohesion right across settlements.

·           Perception of danger, which the report ignores, is key, not just accident statistics.

·           Children at primary age can’t judge speed accurately.

·           Voters of all ages want to walk and cycle safely, throughout settlements.

·           Many counties have found that the current DfT guidance does allow them to set 20mph for most urban and village roads, without physical calming

·           There is no specific requirement for physical calming if average road speeds beforehand are above 24mph. In the rural Scottish Borders trial, the fastest roads had speed reduced by 6mph, bringing most drivers within the enforcement threshold for 20mph. Schemes consistently show 20-30% accident reductions, 30% when main roads are included. Karl Battersby recently claimed accident reductions on NYCC roads in 2020 a lockdown year with far fewer vehicle miles: both rose again in 2021.

·           Speed is always a factor in accidents.

·           Being hit at 30mph is like falling 8.8m, likely to kill or seriously injure, where 20mph hardly ever does.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 679