Issue - meetings

Children and Young People’s Service, Planning of School Places - Basic Need Capital Programme 2022/25

Meeting: 15/03/2022 - Executive (Item 734)

734 Planning of School Places - Basic Need Capital Programme 2022/25 pdf icon PDF 419 KB


Executive Members are asked to recommend to the Chief Executive Officer that using his emergency delegated powers he approve the proposed 2022/25 programme of Basic Need Grant investments to meet the requirement for additional mainstream school places.

Additional documents:


Considered – A report of the Corporate Director – Children and Young People’s Service providing a progress update on the 2018-21 Basic Need programme and seeking approval for further investments in 2022-25.


County Councillor Janet Sanderson introduced the report confirming the overall programme had been reviewed and priorities for further additional places up to 2024/25 had been identified, as detailed in the report.  She noted the report:

·          Provided an update on schemes completed as part of the previous programme for 2018-21;

·          Outlined the provisions to be made for future projects in the next cycle of 2022-25;

·          Provided an overall financial position for the previous programme;


Attention was also drawn to:

·          The 14 schemes achieved since the last report, in particular the expansions at Sherburn Hungate Primary School and Overdale Community Primary School;

·          The other Funding Streams for school places and/or educational provision, and;

·          The priorities for investment;


Finally, it was confirmed that the Basic Need Grant for 2023/24 was expected to be announced in the next three months.


Executive Members noted the financial position of the programme to date and the challenges around funding for new school places.


Having considered the report and the information provided at the meeting, Executive Members


Resolved: To recommend to the Chief Executive Officer that using his emergency delegated powers he approve the proposed 2022/25 programme of Basic Need Grant investments to meet the requirement for additional mainstream school places.