That the Executive notes the report and gives approval to move forward with further consultation as set out in the table at paragraph 6.1 of the report.
Additional documents:
Considered – A report of the Corporate Director for Children & Young People’s Services providing an update from the feedback of the first consultation in relation to proposals to cease residential provision at Brompton Hall School and extend the designation of the school to co-educational.
County Councillor Annabel Wilkinson introduced the report which detailed the finding from the 34 responses to the first consultation, noting that 30% of them had been from parents and carers, 65% had agreed the designation of Brompton Hall School should be changed to co-educational, and 64% had disagreed with the proposal that residential should be phased out.
Member noted:
· There was still significant interest in maintaining some residential care but accepted there was a lack of demand for it.
· The proposed second consultation would run from 22 June to 8 September 2022, after which time a further report would be brought to the Executive.
Having noted the report, Executive Members
Resolved – To move forward with further consultation as set out in the table at paragraph 6.1 of the report.