Additional documents:
Considered – A report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Legal & Democratic Services) seeking a decision on whether to proceed with Community Governance Reviews (CGRs) for the unparished areas in the centre of Harrogate and Scarborough that will in the interim have Charter Trustees in place.
County Councillor David Chance introduced the report and provided an overview of the steps that would be required as part of the a CGR process for introducing two new Town Councils for the centres of Harrogate and Scarborough.
The report confirmed that:
· The majority of the county was covered by a parish council with the exception of the county’s two biggest towns – Harrogate & Scarborough
· Harrogate Borough Council had previously unanimously agreed that any successor unitary authority should undertake a community governance review for the unparished parts of Harrogate town and consider the creation of a town council.
· Scarborough Borough Council had agreed that more information on options, processes and timescales was needed before agreeing to a referendum and a Member Steering Group was formed to look at it in more detail.
· A three-month consultation would be undertaken with residents in the affected areas
Officers confirmed they would welcome all representations, including those suggesting minor tweaks to the boundaries of the proposed Town Councils. They also clarified that step3 of the process was to seek approval from the Executive and step 6 would be to seek Full Council approval.
In regard to the setting of precepts, it was noted that Charter Trustees may choose not to levy a precept for year 2 onwards (in year 1, costs would be covered by the Unitary Authority).
Having note the report, it was
Resolved – That:
i. Community governance reviews be undertaken for the unparished parts of Harrogate and Scarborough, incorporating Eastfield Town Council.
ii. The Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services) in consultation with the relevant Executive Members be given delegated authority to approve the Terms of Reference once final typographical changes have been completed and to take any necessary action to progress the Community Governance Review.