Issue - meetings

Scarborough Hospital CQC Inspection

Meeting: 04/11/2022 - Scrutiny of Health Committee (Item 222)

Scarborough & York Hospitals Care Quality Commission Inspections and Action Plans


Considered – Presentation by Simon Morritt, Chief Executive, York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Heather McNair, Chief Nurse, York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust to update Members on the most recent CQC report and the actions arising from it.


The main points to note were:

·       March 2022 Inspection raised 4 asks

·       Vacancies were running at approx. 10%

·       A change from paper based patient records has recently been undertaken and an electronic system is now in use

·       Cost savings are being seen in both paper usage and time

·       Volunteer help has been greatly appreciated

·       A formal report is expected in November 2022.


There then followed a discussion around the following areas:

·       The need to not rely too heavily on voluntary staff, in addition to as opposed to instead of should be the priority

·       The time and cost element of staff to travel across the County, this would be alleviated through sufficient successful recruitment

·       There was a large piece of work to undertake keeping staff once recruited.


Resolved – The Chairman thanked Simon and Heather for their presentation and requested they return to a future Scrutiny of Health meeting with further updates.



Meeting: 09/09/2022 - Scrutiny of Health Committee (Item 8.)

Scarborough & York Hospitals Care Quality Commission Inspections and Action Plans