Issue - meetings

Consultation with parish and town councils and parish meetings on a draft parish charter

Meeting: 10/01/2023 - Executive (Item 146)

146 Approval of consultation with Town and Parish Council on the draft Parish Charter for the new Council pdf icon PDF 281 KB



The Executive is asked to:


i.        Endorse the draft Parish Charter, as shown in Appendix A

ii.       Grant permission to carry out a 12-week consultation with parishes on the draft Parish Charter, as shown in Appendix B


Additional documents:


Considered – Report of the Assistant Director – Policy, Partnerships and Communities to advise the Executive of progress made towards the development of a Parish Charter for North Yorkshire Council and to seek approval for the commencement of a consultation exercise.


County Councillor Greg White introduced the report on the development of a new Parish Charter, to try and cater for every different type of parish representation using best practice from existing parish charters used by the borough and district councils, as well as charters used by other unitary councils.


Neil Irving, Assistant Director of Policy, Partnerships and Communities noted that in the development of preparations for Local Government Reorganisation the importance of parishes and partnership working was key. It has been a joint piece of work, with representatives from parishes across the county engaging positively with officers from both the county council and the district and borough councils to create a charter.


Councillor Gillian Ivey (Little Smeaton PC/Selby YLCA) from the working group developing the charter was invited to speak and welcomed the consultation approach proposed and the pre-publication of the questions for the online survey. She raised queries about the wording in section 2.1 of the report and Appendix 2 requiring further contact information. In response, it was noted that this information would be included when arrangements and procedures have been finalised.


Councillor Howard West (Pannal PC/Harrogate YLCA) also spoke about how the charter is an evolving document, with its implementation and effectiveness monitored by regular meetings of the North Yorkshire Parishes’ Joint Liaison Group.


Resolved –


The Executive:


·        Endorse the draft Parish Charter, as shown in Appendix A

·        Grant permission to carry out a 12-week consultation with parishes on the draft Parish Charter, as shown in Appendix B