225 Scrutiny of Health work programme 09.09.22 - Christine Phillipson PDF 395 KB
Considered – The Committee’s work programme.
· The objective is to enable the Committee to review the work programme and make suggestions for areas of scrutiny for inclusion for the remainder of the year and prioritise accordingly.
There followed a discussion which highlighted the following areas as suggestions for inclusion in the workplan:
· The current situation in relation to GP waiting lists
· Dentistry
· Yorkshire Ambulance Service (YAS) performance
· Mental Health
· Social prescribing preventative solutions
· Craven services, in particular Airedale Hospital
· More detailed information on the TEWV CQC reports.
Whilst dentistry and GP waiting lists are of a high priority this is a national problem and the Committee has undertaken scrutiny work on these areas in the past.
Following the conclusion of the current deep dive around Autism the Committee suggested a similar deep dive process be carried out around mental health.
An update re Airedale hospital is on the agenda for the December Committee meeting
Brian Cranna is returning to the Committee in December with further detail on the TEWV CQC reports.
Louise Wallace has agreed to update the Committee on preventative measures, i.e. sleep, nutrition, meals etc. at the next meeting.
YAS performance to be added to the work programme.
11. Scrutiny of Health work programme 09.09.22 - Christine Phillipson PDF 395 KB