98 Grant of new leases to Community Libraries PDF 271 KB
The Executive are asked to confirm that NYCC should proceed with the proposed leases, on terms to be approved by the Corporate Director, Strategic Resources.
Considered – A report of the Corporate Director, Strategic Resources seeking approval for the granting of new leases to a number of Community Libraries.
County Councillor Greg White introduced the report confirming the current model of community led libraries had been introduced 5 years previously in response to a period of austerity and the need to reduce costs.
Executive Member expressed their pride at the Library Services, which they agreed was a testament to the staff and volunteers that ran the community libraries. It was noted that a series of service level agreements were coming to the end of their 5yr period and were up for renewal, and that some of them were based on peppercorn rents and a number were based on contributions to utilities.
Specifically in regard to Sherburn Library, County Councillor Bob Packham highlighted his concerns that the rapid rise in fuel costs would hit the library hard. He suggested this be considered, particularly in light of the library being situated within an otherwise unused council owned building, where the heating was on throughout, resulting in higher than necessary bills.
County Councillor Greg White agreed further consideration should be given to those libraries affected in such a way, to see if a saving could be made for both parties.
Gary Fielding – Corporate Director for Strategic Resources agreed to take account of the issues raised at the meeting when considering the appropriate terms for the new leases.
Finally, Executive Members acknowledged the success of the current model for library services and recognised their contribution to communities in response to local needs. It was therefore
Resolved – That the County Council should proceed with the proposed leases, on terms to be approved by the Corporate Director, Strategic Resources.