Issue - meetings

North Yorkshire Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Meeting: 18/06/2024 - Executive (Item 479)

479 Joint local Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2023-2030 pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Additional documents:


Considered – A report of the Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services presenting the draft Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2023-2030 for endorsement by the Executive.


Councillor Michael Harrison, Executive Member for Health and Adult Services, presented the report noting the multi-agency nature of the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy and the Board which had produced it.  The Strategy focused on the three priorities of Prevention, Place and People with the overall ambition of ‘to add years to life, and life to years.’  The Director of Public Health, Louise Wallace thanked all those partner organisations which had contributed to the development of the Strategy.


Resolved (unanimously) – that the Executive endorse the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy in advance of being submitted to Full Council for approval in July 2024.