Issue - meetings

Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) Fund Allocation Acceptance

Meeting: 04/07/2023 - Executive (Item 272)

272 Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) Fund Allocation Acceptance pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Recommendations - That the Executive:

i.       Notes the contents of this report and the application made to the LEVI Capital and Capability funds respectively

ii.    Delegates authority to the Executive Member for Highways and Transportation in consultation with the Corporate Director – Environment and the Corporate Director Resources to approve the Stage 2 application for the LEVI Capital Fund

iii.   Delegates authority to the Deputy Leader of the Council/Executive Member for Finance and Resources and the Executive Member for Highways and Transportation in consultation with the Corporate Director Environment and the Corporate Director Resources to accept the grant award of £4.88m subject to acceptable terms and conditions being received and reviewed.



Considered – A report of the Corporate Director for Environment presenting the background and detail of the submission of an expression of interest and proforma to the Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Capital and Capability funds respectively and seeking delegation of authority to approve both a Stage 2 application for the LEVI Capital Fund and acceptance of the grant award of £4.88m, subject to acceptable terms and conditions being received.


Councillor Keane Duncan introduced the report and outlined the proposal detailed within the report.


Councillor Greg White welcomed this next step on the road towards making a quality infrastructure of vehicle charging points across the county    He noted the confidence to buy an electric vehicle came from having confidence in being able to charge it when out and about.


Councillor Gareth Dadd queried recommendation (iii) and its proposal to delegate authority to two Executive Members rather than to the relevant Corporate Director as with other similar proposals.  He therefore suggested it needed revising to say ‘Delegates authority to the Corporate Director for Environment in consultation with the Deputy Leader of the Council, the Executive Member for Highways & Transportation, and the Corporate Director Resources’


Subject to that revision to the recommendations, it was


Resolved – That:

i.             The contents of the report and the application made to the LEVI Capital and Capability funds respectively be noted

ii.          Authority be delegated to the Executive Member for Highways and Transportation in consultation with the Corporate Director – Environment and the Corporate Director Resources to approve the Stage 2 application for the LEVI Capital Fund

iii.         Authority be delegated to the Corporate Director for Environment in consultation with the Deputy Leader of the Council, the Executive Member for Highways & Transportation, and the Corporate Director Resources’, to accept the grant award of £4.88m subject to acceptable terms and conditions being received and reviewed.