Issue - meetings

Q3 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report

Meeting: 20/02/2024 - Executive (Item 403)

403 Q3 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report pdf icon PDF 5 MB


That the Executive:

a)     notes the forecast outturn position against the 2023/24 Revenue Budget, as summarised in paragraph 2.2.2.

b)     notes the forecast outturn position for the Housing Revenue Account as set out in paragraph 2.3.1.

c)      approves the carry-forward of any unallocated sums for each of the Area Constituency Committees into 2024/25 for one-year only as set out in paragraph 2.6.1.

d)     approves the recommendation to fund £795k for design work on the Harbours from the Supply Chain reserve as per paragraph 2.7.1

e)     notes the position on the Council’s Treasury Management activities during the third quarter of 2023/24

f)       refers this report to the Audit Committee for their consideration as part of the overall monitoring arrangements for Treasury Management.

g)     notes the updated Q3 2023/24 Capital Plan; and

h)     approves capital funding of £795k from the Supply Chain Reserve to progress Scarborough Lighthouse and Roundhead Piles replacement (£543k) and Whitby West Pier Lighthouse (£252k) in order to complete the design works to be in a position to bid for external funding for the actual delivery of both schemes.



Considered:  A joint report of the Chief Executive and Corporate Director - Strategic Resources, bringing togetherkey aspects of the CountyCouncil’s performanceon aquarterlybasis.


CouncillorDavidChance introducedtheQuarter 3performancemonitoringandbudget report,confirmingitprovided an overview on all of the ambitions of the County Council but with a key focus on the council plan ambition for ‘Every child and young person has the best possible start in life’.


He went on to summarise the performance update which covered the services previously provided by the former County Council and those transferred from the District and Borough Councils and drew attention to the progress made in converging those services and systems.


He noted the purpose of the new office of Local Government (OFLOG) was to monitor local authority performance and reviewing productivity and drew attention to the work underway to revise the Council’s performance framework to meet the changing needs of the Council and the new requirements of OFLOG.    


He went on note:

·         The pressure in HAS from hospital discharges and reduced assessor capacity in frontline teams;

·         An increase in front door contacts and an increase in referrals for Children’s Services;

·         A slight drop in the public’s satisfaction in the county’s Highways network, compared to a larger recorded drop in satisfaction nationally, moving the Council in to the top quartile;

·         A significant drop in waste to landfill compared to Quarter 1;


In regard to his own portfolio area, he confirmed

·         An increase in apprenticeships with 50 new starters in Quarter 3;

·         An increase in applications for Local Assistance funding, with 91% of applications being approved;

·         An increase in the accessing of healthcare by the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities


In response to questions to Executive Members from Scrutiny Members, the following was confirmed:


·         Occupancy rates in Care Homes across the county was currently around 90-95%.  The main reasons for care home closure were workface recruitment or quality related;

·         Across the county the uptake of the MMR vaccine was above the national average but still below the target set by the Authority, and interventions were in place in identified hotspots;

·         C&F assessments remained high, and well within the variance expected compared to recent years;

·         Schools were still re-setting behaviour post pandemic and so the increase in suspensions and permanent exclusions was not  ...  view the full minutes text for item 403