285 North Yorkshire Council Statement of Community involvement: Consultation Draft PDF 294 KB
The Executive are asked to:
i) Agree, for the purpose of public consultation, the draft Statement of Community Involvement at Appendix 1; and
ii) Subject to consultation and any subsequent amendments, delegate authority to the Executive Member for Open to Business to approve the Statement of Community Involvement for adoption and any future amendments or replacements to that document.
Additional documents:
Considered – A report of the Corporate Director for Community Development seeking approval of the draft Statement of Community Involvement for the purpose of public consultation.
In the absence of the Executive Member for Open to Business, Nic Harne – Corporate Director for Community Development introduced the report and provided a brief overview of the requirement for setting out the Authority’s policies to facilitate the involvement of those persons and organisations who have an interest in the preparation of a local plan (and other planning policy documents), neighbourhood plans and the consideration of planning applications.
He also noted the planning position’s inherited from the District and Borough Councils and confirmed that weight would continue to be attached to their Local Development Plans up until a new Plan for the whole of North Yorkshire being sufficiently developed to shift that focus.
He noted that building regulations set nationally were improving all the time, and as an example, confirmed that as of 2025 new properties could no longer be fitted with gas central heating.
Councillor Simon Myers acknowledged that all residents would welcome progression of the statement, and thanked the officers involved.
Having noted the report, it was
Resolved – That:
i. For the purpose of public consultation, the draft Statement of Community Involvement at Appendix 1 of the report, be agreed;
ii) Subject to consultation and any subsequent amendments, authority be delegated to the Executive Member for Open to Business to approve the Statement of Community Involvement for adoption and any future amendments or replacements to that document.