8 Branding and Website Recommendations for the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority PDF 479 KB
Report of the Chief Operating Officer, York and North Yorkshire LEP
Additional documents:
Considered –
A report by Aissa Gaille, Head of Communications for the York and North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership regarding proposals for York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority (CA) Branding and making recommendations on the sub brands linked from the CA website on day one.
Aissa Gaille introduced the report and gave an overview of the key points, as summarised below:
· The work to develop branding for the CA was a result of collaboration between all the partners including the York and North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), North Yorkshire Council (NYC), City of York Council (CYC) and the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (OFPCC) and had been carried out in house
· The existing brands had been reviewed and combined to produce the shared concept
· The proposed brand logo could be seen at Annex 1 and the full concept at Annex 2.
· The proposed logo concept would work alongside all existing brands
· The website would link to the 3 sub-brands of the OPFCC, York and NY Growth Hub and Invest in York and North Yorkshire
Aisa Gaille then responded to questions as below:
· It was confirmed that the Mayor would have the opportunity to review the branding once elected through the same working group which would develop any proposals with the Mayor
· It was also confirmed that the colours used were from the existing palette of current brand logos. A comment was made that some of the colours were associated with political parties and it was confirmed that this was an area which could be considered by the new Mayor.
The voting members of the committee indicated their unanimous support for the recommendations in the report.
Resolved –
1) That the Joint Committee note and approve the branding design for the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority
2) That the Joint Committee note and approve the partner sub-brands that will linked from the CA website from day one