Issue - meetings

Council Plan 2024- 2028

Meeting: 23/01/2024 - Executive (Item 379)

379 Council Plan 2024- 2028 pdf icon PDF 2 MB


That the Executive

i)       Approves the draft Council Plan and recommends it to full Council for approval at its meeting on 21 February 2024, and

ii)      Recommends that full Council authorise the Chief Executive to make any necessary changes to the text, including reflecting decisions made by the Council on the budget and Medium Term Financial Strategy, and updated performance data and key performance indicators.



Considered – A report of Assistant Chief Executive- Local Engagement seeking the Executive’s agreement to submit the Council Plan 2024-2028 to the Council for adoption.


Councillor David Chance introduced the report confirming the Plan was a key component of the Council’s Policy framework.  He drew specific attention to the missing figures on page 252 of the published agenda and confirmed the report should have read ‘the Council will save between 42m - £67m in the next few years’.


Councillor Bryn Griffiths suggested that it would be helpful if the Plan listed a number of high level smart targets up front, and in response it was confirmed such targets would be set as part of the strategies and policies agreedt by the Council to deliver the Plan.


Executive members voted in favour of the recommendations, and it was


Resolved – That the following be recommended to full Council for approval at its meeting on 21 February 2024:

i)       The draft Council Plan as shown at Appendix A of the report

ii)      The Chief Executive be authorised to make any necessary changes to the text, including reflecting decisions made by the Council on the budget and Medium Term Financial Strategy, and updated performance data and key performance indicators.