Issue - meetings

Application for Homes England Investment Partner Status and Associated Affordable Housing Programme 2021-26 Bid

Meeting: 17/10/2023 - Executive (Item 326)

326 Application for Homes England Investment Partner Status and Associated Affordable Housing Programme 2021-26 Bid pdf icon PDF 250 KB


That the Executive

i)       Authorise the Assistant Director for Housing to complete and submit the application and the associated capital bid on behalf of NYC for Homes England Investment Partner status.

ii)      Delegated authority to the Assistant Director Resources (Community Development) to transfer Harrogate’s RCGF credits 2022/23 to North Yorkshire Council, to sign the registered transfer approval letter, and to accept the grant as set out in the report if successful.


Considered – A report of the Corporate Director Community Development seeking the Executive’s permission to apply to Homes England for Investment Partner status, to submit an associated bid to Homes England for grant funding under the Affordable Housing Programme (AHP) 2021-26, to accept the transfer of Harrogate Borough Council’s Recycled Capital Grant Fund (RCGF) credits from 2022/23, and to use those credits towards HRA capital budget development costs.


In the absence of the Executive Member for Culture, Arts and Housing, Nic Harne – Corporate Director for Community Development introduced the report and provided an overview of the proposal detailed therin.


The Executive voted in favour of the recommendations within the report, and it was


Resolved – That:

i)       The Assistant Director for Housing be authorised to complete and submit the application and the associated capital bid on behalf of NYC for Homes England Investment Partner status.

ii)      Authority be delegated to the Assistant Director Resources (Community Development) to transfer Harrogate’s RCGF credits 2022/23 to North Yorkshire Council, to sign the registered transfer approval letter, and to accept the grant as set out in the report if successful.