Issue - meetings

Shaping the future of Leisure Services in North Yorkshire: Outcomes of the Strategic Leisure Review

Meeting: 09/01/2024 - Executive (Item 369)

369 Shaping the future of Leisure Services in North Yorkshire: Outcomes of the Strategic Leisure Review pdf icon PDF 624 KB

Recommendations - The Executive are asked to approve:

i) The new delivery model for the sport and active wellbeing service as set out in section 4 of the report.

ii) The phased transition over the next 4 years to a single in house management model for the service. As part of this that the Selby services transfer to the in house service from September 2024 when the current contract with IHL ends.

iii) The undertaking of a Leisure Investment Strategy as set out in the report.

Additional documents:


Considered – A report of the Corporate Director for Community Development seeking support for the key findings from the first phase of the Strategic Leisure Review in terms of the proposed new delivery model and proposals for the future management arrangements of the service.


Councillor Simon Myers introduced the report detailing the proposed new bespoke delivery model for the sport and active wellbeing service, and drew attention to:


·          The importance of leisure and sports activities to residents’ wellbeing

·          The pressures on Council funding in part as a result of residents’ physical inactivity, and the need to encourage those who would not usually participate in leisure activities.

·          The refreshed focus on sport and active wellbeing and addressing inequalities

·          The great natural assets across North Yorkshire that needed to be better utilised as part of the new in-house offer.

·          Other potential benefits arising from delivering active wellbeing services in-house, which included longer term savings and the provision of innovative digitally provided activities

·          The amazing volunteer led organisations currently providing sports and leisure activities

·          The need for continued collaborative working with community support groups and rural community groups


Jo Ireland, Assistant Director for Culture, Leisure, Archives & Libraries confirmed the scope for the second phase of the Strategic Leisure Review would be to develop a Leisure Investment Strategy, as detailed in the report.


Members welcomed the proposals for the future arrangements for the service and thanked the Member Working Group on their work on the review and officers for the detailed report.


In response to a concern raised by Councillor Greg White, Cllr Simon Myers confirmed the proposed new model would deliver a light touch approach to ensure that local needs were met and appropriate variability to address the challenges faced by individual communities.


Resolved – That the following be approved:


i)       The new delivery model for the sport and active wellbeing service as set out in section 4 of the report


ii)    The phased transition over the next 4 years to a single in house management model for the service, including transferring the Selby services to the in house service from September 2024 when the current contract with IHL ends.


iii)   The undertaking of a Leisure Investment Strategy as set out in the report.