Issue - meetings

Proposed Selective Licensing scheme in Scarborough

Meeting: 23/01/2024 - Executive (Item 383)

383 Proposed Selective Licensing scheme in Scarborough pdf icon PDF 369 KB


The Executive is asked to:

i.      Consider the feedback from the public consultation exercise on the Selective Licensing of private rented accommodation.

ii.     Approve the introduction of a Council led scheme for the Selective Licensing of Private Rented Accommodation in the area defined as ‘Scarborough Town’. This area incorporates parts of the Castle, Falsgrave and Stepney and Northstead divisions as shown on the map in Appendix C of the report.

iii.    Instruct officers to prepare and publish a Public Notice of Designation under sections 80 and 83 of the Housing Act 2004.

iv.   Approve the proposed fee structure along with recommended discounts and exemptions as set out at paragraph 11.4 of this report.

v.     Approve the policy for the Selective Licensing of Private Rented Accommodation, and undertake any amendmentsas highlighted within this report.

vi.   Instruct officers to explore the potential for a wider neighbourhood renewal focus to complement the scheme, which would consider the involvement of other key Council service areas

Additional documents:


Considered – A report of the Corporate Director Community Development presenting the findings of the public consultation on the proposal to designate a scheme for the Selective Licensing of privately rented properties within parts of the Castle, Falsgrave and Stepney and Northstead divisions of Scarborough, and recommending the designation of the scheme based on those findings.


Councillor Simon Myers introduced the report which detailed a number of proposed changes to the existing policy for Selective Licensing arising from the consultation undertaken, and the proposed licence fees.  He also noted the motivating factors for bringing in such a Scheme i.e. poor property conditions, and high levels of deprivation, ASB, crime and migration, and the proposal to explore the options for the development of a wider Neighbourhood Renewal approach to complement the Selective Licensing scheme, and the study, which has been commissioned to assess the private rented sector across North Yorkshire and inform the Council’s future approach and actions to improve the sector. 


John Burroughs Housing Strategy & Development Officer drew to the consultation feedback detailed in Appendix A of the report and confirmed the Scheme would be cost neutral to the Local Authority, affordable to landlords and would have minimal impact of tenants.  He also noted there would be a range of discounts available for landlords to utilise. 


Councillor Rich Maw expressed concern those discounts would be arbitrary, but it was confirmed, there was the potential for landlords to benefit from a number of discounts, where applicable.


Councillor Derek Bastiman suggested the proposed Scheme would improve livings standards for tenants and deter a certain element of landlord, and Councillor Eric Broadbent welcomed the extension of the Scheme, recognising it would benefit private tenants in his division.


Executive members welcomed the proposed Scheme, and it was


Resolved – That:

i.      The feedback from the public consultation exercise on the Selective Licensing of private rented accommodation be noted.

ii.     A Council led scheme for the Selective Licensing of Private Rented Accommodation in the area defined as ‘Scarborough Town’ be introduced - to incorporate parts of the Castle, Falsgrave and Stepney and Northstead divisions as shown on the map in Appendix C of the report.

iii.    Officers prepare and publish a Public Notice of Designation under sections 80 and 83 of the Housing Act 2004.

iv.   The proposed fee structure, recommended discounts and exemptions as set out at paragraph 11.4 of the report be approved.

v.     The policy for the Selective Licensing of Private Rented Accommodation be approved, and the amendmentshighlighted within the report be undertaken.

vi.   Officers explore the potential for a wider neighbourhood renewal focus to complement the scheme, which would consider the involvement of other key Council service areas