Issue - meetings

North Yorkshire Transforming Cities Fund (TCF) Projects

Meeting: 28/11/2023 - Executive (Item 349)

349 North Yorkshire Transforming Cities Fund Projects pdf icon PDF 1 MB


The Executive is asked to approve:

i)       the descoping options outlined for Selby, the preparation and submission of a Full Business Case, with approval of the detail delegated to the Corporate Director of Environment in consultation with the Corporate Director of Resources and Executive Member for Highways and Transportation. In the event that the Full Business Case is approved by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority, to delegate the acceptance of the TCF funding to the Corporate Director of Resources in consultation with the Assistant Chief Executive Legal and Democratic Services and the Executive Member for Highways and Transportation, subject to the scheme being affordable, acceptable terms and conditions being received, and for a satisfactory TRO outcome, the scheme to be implemented; and

ii)      the descoping options outlined for Skipton, the preparation and submission of a Full Business Case, with approval of the detail delegated to the Corporate Director of Environment in consultation with the Corporate Director of Resources and Executive Member for Highways and Transportation. In the event that the Full Business Case is approved by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority, to delegate the acceptance of the TCF funding to the Corporate Director of Resources in consultation with the Assistant Chief Executive Legal and Democratic Services and the Executive Member for Highways and Transportation, subject to the scheme being affordable, and acceptable terms and conditions being received, and for a satisfactory TRO outcome the scheme to be implemented; and

iii)     the descoping options outlined for Harrogate, the preparation and submission of a Full Business Case, with approval of the detail delegated to the Corporate Director of Environment in consultation with the Corporate Director of Resources and Executive Member for Highways and Transportation. In the event that the Full Business Case is approved by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority, to delegate the acceptance of the TCF funding to the Corporate Director Resources in consultation with the Assistant Chief Executive Legal and Democratic Services and the Executive Member for Highways and Transportation, subject to the scheme being affordable, and acceptable terms and conditions being received, and for a satisfactory TRO and public engagement outcome the scheme to be implemented.



Considered – A report of the Corporate Director of Environment providing an update on the North Yorkshire Transforming Cities Fund (TCF) projects in Skipton, Selby and Harrogate and seeking approval of the revised final project scopes.


Councillor Keane Duncan introduced the report and provided an overview of the current position including the economic challenges resulting from the increase in costs since the Outline Business Cases (OBCs) were first prepared in 2020.  He also provided a brief overview of the three individual projects and noted they would lead to landmark improvements for the three towns and give assurances that sub-contractors would be closely monitored to ensure maximum value for money.


Councillor John Mann expressed his support for the revised scheme for Harrogate and confirmed there was increased support from the community.  He drew particular attention to the feedback from the Harrogate BID and the Independent Harrogate group who were both in favour of the revised proposal for Harrogate and advocated for their proposal for a relief road for west Harrogate.  He noted the Local plan included for an increase in housing in that area which in time would impact further on the existing level of congestion.  Whilst he recognised there was no funding for a relief road at present, he asked this be kept under consideration.


In response Councillor Keane Duncan confirmed the overwhelming feedback from the Harrogate Congestion Study showed that rather than a bypass or inner relief road, residents wanted improved sustainable transport options and demand management solutions.  He also confirmed the Council was still progressing its Harrogate Transport Improvement Programme and a report was expected in spring 2024.  Other traffic mitigation measures were also being considered as well as a potential Park & Ride.


Councillor Gareth Dadd acknowledged the financial risks associated with the three projects should they overrun and queried what checks and balances were in place.  Karl Battersby – Corporate Director for Environment accepted that any overrun could have a significant financial impact and confirmed this risk would be mitigated through thorough project oversight and use of contingencies.  He also confirmed that work was underway to understand which elements of the schemes could be delivered inhouse via the Authority’s Teckal companies, where it represented good value for money.  Finally he drew attention to an error in the Equality Impact Assessment – he noted the schemes would have a positive impact on males and females by way of making the areas safer.


It was suggested the Executive Member for Finance be included as a consultee for accepting the TCF funding for the three schemes, and having noted the three proposed schemes were now affordable whilst not reneging on the Council’s overall vision, it was


ResolvedThat the following be approved:

i)       the descoping options for Selby, the preparation and submission of a Full Business Case, with approval of the detail delegated to the Corporate Director of Environment in consultation with the Corporate Director of Resources and Executive Member for Highways and Transportation. In the event  ...  view the full minutes text for item 349