Issue - meetings

Report of

Meeting: 09/11/2023 - Richmond (Yorks) Area Planning Committee (Item 62)

62 22/00047/OUT - Outline Application for Demolition of the Vacant Dalesway Lodge Motel and Restaurant, and the Construction of a Petrol Filling Station (sui generis) with Associated Kiosk/Shop (Use Class E) and Two Drive-Through Restaurants (sui generis), together with Construction of a New Vehicular Access, Car Parking, Electric Vehicle Charging Facilities and Other Works at Eastside Barracks Bank Scotch Corner Richmond for Scotch Corner Richmond LLP pdf icon PDF 6 MB

Report of the Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services


Considered :-


The Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services sought determination of a planning application for the outline application for demolition of the vacant Dalesway Lodge Motel and Restaurant, and the Construction of a petrol filling station (sui generis) with associated kiosk/shop (Use Class E) and two drive-through restaurants (sui generis), together with construction of a new vehicular access, car parking, electric vehicle charging facilities and other works at Eastside Barracks Bank Scotch Corner Richmond for Scotch Corner Richmond LLP.


Steve Hill spoke on behalf of a number of Middleton Tyas residents objecting to the application.


During consideration of the above application, the Committee discussed the following:-

·        The traffic issues encountered at Scotch Corner roundabout and the implications of further development at the location.

·        The current condition of the brownfield site and how the proposed development will tie in with the area.

·        The Parish Council being supportive of the application due to its location on the western side of the roundabout.

·        The proposed pedestrian crossing and it’s impact on the traffic. The Committee were advised that Highways England were satisfied with the proposals.

·        The bus stop provision and lack of bus shelters, with the Committee requesting Officers to seek the provision of bus shelters at the stops on both the north and south side of the highway.


The Decision :-


That the Committee were MINDED TO GRANT planning permission, subject to the conditions set out in section 12 of the report and the additional condition shown below, with delegation to the Planning Manager (Richmond Office) in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair in relation to seeking the provision of bus shelters on both the north and south side of the highway.


Voting Record


A vote was taken and the motion was declared carried unanimously.


Additional Condition


Condition 18: Biodiversity Net Gain

Prior to commencement of development a Biodiversity Net Gain Scheme shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall demonstrate how a net gain life of 10% can be achieved for all habitat types including hedgerows. The scheme shall include:


(a)   Evidence that suitable Biodiversity Credits have been secured and paid for; or


(b) An on and/or off-site scheme together with any necessary permissions to deliver the scheme including:

       - Phasing and timetable for delivery

       - 30 years upkeep and monitoring

       - Mechanism for 30 years of funding


The development shall take place in complete accordance with the approved details including the 30 years retention, upkeep and monitoring.


Reason: To secure a biodiversity net gain in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework paragraph 174.