i) Agree and publish the Regulation 18 Decision Statement which confirms the modifications made to the submission version of the Pannal and Burn Bridge Neighbourhood Plan and Policies Map.
ii) Agree that as modified, the Plan (Appendix C) meets the basic conditions and other necessary requirements.
iii) Agree that the Plan (Appendix C) should proceed to referendum.
iv) That the voting area for the referendum should be the neighbourhood area designated by the former Harrogate Borough Council on 10 August 2017 (the parish of Pannal and Burn Bridge).
Additional documents:
Considered – A report of the Corporate Director Community Development which presented the Independent Examiner’s report on the Pannal and Burn Bridge Neighbourhood Development Plan for agreement. The Examiner recommended that the Plan, subject to a number of proposed modifications being made, met the basic conditions and other relevant requirements, and should proceed to a referendum with a voting area that was the same as the neighbourhood area originally designated by the former Harrogate Borough Council.
Resolved (unanimously) – that:
i) Agree and publish the Regulation 18 Decision Statement which confirms the modifications made to the submission version of the Pannal and Burn Bridge Neighbourhood Plan and Policies Map.
ii) Agree that as modified, the Plan (Appendix C) meets the basic conditions and other necessary requirements.
iii) Agree that the Plan (Appendix C) should proceed to referendum.
iv) That the voting area for the referendum should be the neighbourhood area designated by the former Harrogate Borough Council on 10 August 2017 (the parish of Pannal and Burn Bridge).