471 National Childcare Expansion Programme for Early Years and Wraparound Provision PDF 537 KB
i) Approve the approach (section 5.3) to the allocation of the programme and capital funds to providers
ii) Delegate to the director of children and young people’s services the authority to administer the grant in line with those principles.
Additional documents:
Considered –
A report of the Corporate Director – Children and Young People’s Service providing information on the plan to manage the National Expansion of Childcare grant funding for Early Years and Wraparound Provision through Capital and Revenue grants. The funding was to be administered through NYC through an application process where existing and new providers applied to support the council to meet its sufficiency duties.
Councillor Annabel Wilkinson, Executive Member for Education, Learning and Skills, presented the report which followed a grant acceptance report considered by the Executive in November 2023. The ambition was that by 2026 all parents and carers of primary school-aged children would be able to access term-time childcare from 8 am to 6 pm, either in school or another setting, to enable parents to access employment and improve labour market participation. Paragraph 5.3 set out a proposed approach to distribution of the funds.
Resolved (unanimously) – that:
i) the approach (section 5.3) to the allocation of the programme and capital funds to providers be approved
ii) the Corporate Director – Children and Young People’s Service be delegated the authority to administer the grant in line with those principles