1) To consider the draft Inclusive Service Plan attached at Appendix A and the alternative version recommended by the General Licensing and Registration Committee at Appendix D.
2) To approve the content of the draft Inclusive Service Plan attached at Appendix D as a draft for consultation, subject to the removal of the hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) option in relation to the hackney carriage vehicle specification.
3) To approve the commencement of a public consultation to seek views on the draft Inclusive Service Plan and any viable alternatives, including the hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) option.
Considered – A report of the Corporate Director Environment seeking approval to consult on the proposed adoption of a new Inclusive Service Plan (ISP) in relation to hackney carriage and private hire licensing, which was attached at Appendix A. The ISP had been produced in line with a commitment made by the Executive on 21 February 2023 and in accordance with the Department for Transport’s Best Practice Guidance recommending local authorities create and maintain an ISP describing the demand for accessible services and the strategy to make taxi and private hire services more inclusive.
The Executive Member for Managing our Environment, Councillor Greg White, introduced the report, advising that the new Inclusive Service Plan would subsequently lead to a requirement to change the policy on hackney carriage and private hire licensing, which would be considered at the following agenda item.
Gareth Bentley, the Head of Licensing, gave an overview of the two reports and gave an overview of key points as follows:
· The first report presented a new policy document in relation to how the Council would fulfil its duties to improve services for people with disabilities, with a particular focus on wheelchair accessible vehicles. The plan covered a range of things the Council proposed to do to improve access to licensed vehicles for people with disabilities
· The second report provided the first review of the Hackney Carriage and Private Licensing Policy which had been adopted on 1 April 2023. The review reflected revised guidance from the Department for Transport and sought to address needs in relation to wheelchair users.
· The General Licensing and Registration Committee had been consulted on the proposed new ISP, and had submitted an alternative ISP for consideration, which was included at Appendix D. The alternative also included a hybrid electric vehicle option.
· A 12 week consultation would commence early in 2025, with a report back to Executive expected in May 2025.
Members of the Executive considered the difficulties of supporting the needs of both taxi drivers and those needing to use wheelchair accessible vehicles.
Councillor Tim Grogan, Chair of the General Licensing and Registration Committee, addressed the Executive and reported that the Committee wanted to see an increase in WAVs, but also wanted to support the taxi trade.
Members emphasised the importance of the consultation as an opportunity to get the views of all those with an interest in the matter. All options would be consulted on.
Resolved (unanimously) – that
1) the draft Inclusive Service Plan attached at Appendix A and the alternative version recommended by the General Licensing and Registration Committee at Appendix D, be noted
2) the content of the draft Inclusive Service Plan attached at Appendix D be approved as a draft for consultation
3) the commencement of a public consultation to seek views on the draft Inclusive Service Plan and any viable alternatives be approved
Reasons for recommendations
The Council has committed to developing and maintaining an Inclusive Service Plan and must have regard to the Department for Transport’s Best ... view the full minutes text for item 579