Issue - meetings

Bolton Abbey Core Visitor Area Strategy & Masterplan

Meeting: 17/09/2024 - Executive (Item 530)

530 Bolton Abbey Core Visitor Area Strategy and Masterplan pdf icon PDF 371 KB



i)       Endorse the Masterplan and confirm that it has been prepared to the satisfaction of the Council as Local Planning Authority for part of the Masterplan area

ii)      Agree that it will form a material planning consideration in the determination of planning applicationsin the Bolton Abbey Core Visitor Area

iii)    Agree that it is published on the NYC website.


Additional documents:


Considered – A report of the Corporate Director Community Development presenting Heritage, People and Place: A Placemaking Strategy for Bolton Abbey, known as the Masterplan, which was a requirement of the adopted Craven District Local Plan Policy EC4A. 


Councillor Simon Myers, the Executive Member for Culture, Arts and Housing introduced the report and advised that the Masterplan set out guidelines for high quality tourism related development, sensitive to the character of the area.


Councillor Andy Brown addressed the Executive and referred to consideration of the Masterplan at the Skipton and Ripon Area Committee and concerns in relation to development at Bolton Bridge.


Resolved (unanimously) – that:


i)       The Masterplan be endorsed and it be confirmed that it has been prepared to the satisfaction of the Council as Local Planning Authority for part of the Masterplan area

ii)      The Masterplan will form a material planning consideration in the determination of planning applicationsin the Bolton Abbey Core Visitor Area

iii)    The Masterplan is published on the NYC website.