10. Amendments to the Council’s Constitution PDF 469 KB
That, subject to any comments Members may have:
(b) Members note the amendments to the Constitution set out in Part B of Appendix 1 to this report, made by the Assistant Chief Executive Legal and Democratic Services under his delegated powers, for reporting back to full Council for information;
(c) the proposed amendments to Council Procedure Rule 2.3 as set out in Appendix 2 to this report be recommended to full Council for approval;
(d) the proposed amendments to the Code of Practice for Councillors and Officers dealing with Planning Matters in Part 5 of the Constitution, as set out by way of tracked changes at Appendix 3 to this report be recommended to full Council for approval;
(e) the proposed amendments to the General Licensing and Registration Committee Terms of Reference as set out by way of tracked changes at Appendix 4 to this report be recommended to full Council for approval;
(f) the proposed amendments to Council Procedure Rule 10.6(b) as set out by way of tracked changes at Appendix 5 to this report be recommended to full Council for approval;
(g) the proposed amendments to the Health and Wellbeing Board’s Terms of Reference as set out by way of tracked changes at Appendix 6 to this report be recommended to full Council for approval;
(h) the proposed amendments to the Guidance Notes on the Members’ Allowances Scheme as set out by way of tracked changes at Appendix 7 to this report be recommended to full Council for approval;
(i) the proposed amendments to the Procurement and Contract Procedure Rules set out in Appendix 8 to this report be recommended to full Council for approval;
(j) the proposed amendments to Council Procedure Rule 11 as set out in Appendix 10 to this report be recommended to full Council for approval.
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