Executive is asked to:
1) Note the commitment from the North Yorkshire Place Board on 27th November to transform the community and neighbourhood health and social care model in North Yorkshire.
2) Approve the proposal in principle to establish a formal partnership in the form of a joint committee between HNY ICB (and the 2 other ICBs, subject to agreement) and North Yorkshire Council.
3) Note the intention to have a new Section 75 agreement in place, which in some cases will replace and subsume current Section 75 agreements, subject to any public consultation as may be required legally.
4) Note that final proposals will proceed through governance arrangements for formal decision making including ICB board and Executive approval.
Additional documents:
Considered – A report of the Corporate Director Health and Adult Services which outlined proposals for a bespoke and far-reaching delegation arrangement between
North Yorkshire Council (NYC) and Humber and North Yorkshire (HNY) Integrated Care Board (ICB). The proposal included establishing a North Yorkshire Health Collaborative and supporting governance to enable the delivery of a single programme as described in the attached paper, ‘Ambitious for Health’ – a new approach to transforming health and care in North Yorkshire.
The Executive Member for Health and Adult Services introduced the report and stated that the proposed agreement was set in the context of health and social care being more integrated, which would require a greater focus on the community. Funding would be devolved to a new Joint Committee, and the Council would gain increased influence over prevention and community spend over the next two years.
Richard Webb, Corporate Director Health and Adult Services, gave an overview of the report and highlighted key points as follows:
· This would be the first time there would be a single work programme across health and social care, and consisted of three elements:
(1) A Core work programme in relation to prevention, health inequalities and barriers to work
(2) A strong assessment of the current state of health and social care across the Council and the NHS
(3) Opportunities in relation to healthy places and the role of the NHS in communities
· The Joint Committee would be chaired by the NYC Chief Executive and would have implications for the Health and Well-being Board
· This would involve an alignment of budgets of £850m, which is the totality of community spend in North Yorkshire. The pooled budgets that are proposed would be the nationally-mandated Better Care Fund, the existing s75 delegations for 0-19 and sexual health, £500k of NHS health inequalities funding and, potentially, the integrated quality team, but details to be considered when a final report comes back to Executive
The Chief Executive welcomed this report which presented a new approach to how community health services and adult social care could work together.
In response to a question from Councillor Janet Sanderson on why children’s services were not included, Richard Webb advised that the report set out building blocks over a multi-year programme and opportunities in relation to children and young people would be explored as part of this and are mentioned in the proposal.
Resolved (unanimously) - that
1) the commitment from the North Yorkshire Place Board on 27th November to transform the community and neighbourhood health and social care model in North Yorkshire be noted
2) the proposal in principle to establish a formal partnership in the form of a joint committee between HNY ICB (and the 2 other ICBs, subject to agreement) and North Yorkshire Council be approved
3) the intention to have a new Section 75 agreement in place be noted, which in some cases will replace and subsume current Section 75 agreements, subject to any public consultation as may be required ... view the full minutes text for item 581