609 Admission Arrangements 2026/2027 PDF 452 KB
1) That the proposed Admission Arrangements for 2026/2027 be recommended to the Council for approval on 26 February, including: -
· The proposed co-ordinated admission arrangements
· The proposed co-ordinated in-year admission arrangements
· The proposed admission policy for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools
· The proposed admission policy for Ripon Grammar Boarding School
· The proposed admission policy for Community and Voluntary Controlled Nursery Schools, Schools with Nursery Classes and Pre-Reception Classes
· The proposed published admission numbers (PAN’s) for community and voluntary controlled schools
2) That the relevant areas for consultation on the School Admission Arrangements remain unchanged
Additional documents:
Considered – A report of the Corporate Director Children and Young People’s Service providing a summary of responses received to the consultation on the proposed admission arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled schools for the school year 2026/2027 and seeking approval for recommendation to the Council for determination.
The Executive Member for Education, Learning and Skills, Councillor Annabel Wilkinson, introduced the report and advised that as the admission authority the Council must consult annually on admission arrangements, which must be agreed by 28 February each year for the following school year. A six-week consultation had taken place and included admission policies and admission numbers for individual schools. The aim of the policy was to ensure that during the normal admissions round every child could be offered a single place on the same day, that parental preferences were considered equally and places were received in accordance with highest rank preferences. It was noted that the proposals related solely to school admission, not Home to School transport, which was a separate policy.
Resolved (unanimously) –
1) That the proposed Admission Arrangements for 2026/2027 be recommended to the Council for approval on 26 February, including:
· The proposed co-ordinated admission arrangements
· The proposed co-ordinated in-year admission arrangements
· The proposed admission policy for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools
· The proposed admission policy for Ripon Grammar Boarding School
· The proposed admission policy for Community and Voluntary Controlled Nursery Schools, Schools with Nursery Classes and Pre-Reception Classes
· The proposed published admission numbers (PAN’s) for community and voluntary controlled schools
2) That the relevant areas for consultation on the School Admission Arrangements remain unchanged
Reasons for recommendations
North Yorkshire Council as an admission authority for maintained schools must have determined admission arrangements for 2026/2027. The arrangements decide the allocation of school places which will apply for admission applications for entry in the academic year 2026/2027. The approved arrangements are to be determined by February 2025, this is to comply with the regulations and legislation set out in the Admission Code 2021.
Alternative options considered
No alternative options were considered as it is a statutory requirement to determine Admission Arrangements on an annual basis by 28 February.