Issue - meetings

Transforming Cities Fund Works Contract Entry Authority

Meeting: 04/02/2025 - Executive (Item 623)

623 Transforming Cities Fund Works Contract Entry Authority pdf icon PDF 745 KB




  1. It is recommended that Members approve the delegation of authority to the Corporate Director – Environment, in consultation with the Corporate Director – Resources, the Assistant Chief Executive Legal and Democratic Services, the Executive Member for Highways and Transportation and the Executive Member for Finance to:


i.         agree the final terms of and enter into the construction contract necessary to deliver the Selby TCF project; also delegated authority to enact project scope adjustments, if necessary, post tender submission to contain within budget or seek additional funding


ii.         to submit the Material Change proposal for the Selby TCF project and agree the terms of and enter into any required agreements with Network Rail


iii.         agree the final terms of and enter into the construction contract necessary to deliver the Skipton TCF project; also delegated authority to enact project scope adjustments, if necessary, post tender submission to contain within budget or seek additional funding.



  1. To note that if final costs for the Selby scheme are over budget following value engineering, any remaining overspend would fall to the Council and therefore approval is requested of up to an additional £2m which would need to be met from reserves if required.




Considered a report of the Corporate Director Environment which sought delegated authority to enable acceptance of the final Transforming Cities Fund funding, enable any minor works scope adjustments to ensure the works tender price is within tolerance of the funding available and to enter the contracts to deliver the construction of the schemes in Skipton and Selby in line with necessary timescales.  Introducing the report, the Executive Member for Highways and Transportation, Councillor Keane Duncan was pleased to advise that for these two challenging muti-million pound schemes, the council was now entering the final steps before construction could commence.  He noted the delegations requested, the £2m projected overspend on the Selby scheme and the proposal to draw on council reserves to fund the shortfall, although alternative options were being actively explored to address this overspend.  Councillor Duncan further alluded to the Harrogate scheme, not included in the report, which was subject to a Pre-Action Protocol letter in respect of which the council was preparing to mount a robust challenge.  Following the approvals outlined in the report, the work on the Skipton scheme was expected to commence in March, and Selby in June.  Both Councillors Myers and Crane expressed disappointment that the Skipton and Selby schemes respectively had been reduced in scope and ambition because of current economic constraints and other factors, whilst drawing comfort that the council was still committed to delivering both schemes in full but through a phased approach, as reiterated by Councillor Duncan.  In light of this challenging economic environment and the scale of the council’s capital programme, the Executive Member for Finance and Resources, Councillor Dadd proposed a minor amendment to the report’s recommendations to the effect that the use of up to an additional £2m from reserves for the Selby scheme also be the subject of delegated approval by the Corporate Director – Environment, in consultation with the Corporate Director – Resources, the Assistant Chief Executive Legal and Democratic Services, the Executive Member for Highways and Transportation and the Executive Member for Finance.  This proposal was accepted.    


Resolved (unanimously) that the Executive:


  1. approves the delegation of authority to the Corporate Director – Environment, in consultation with the Corporate Director – Resources, the Assistant Chief Executive Legal and Democratic Services, the Executive Member for Highways and Transportation and the Executive Member for Finance to:


                i.         agree the final terms of and enter into the construction contract necessary to deliver the Selby TCF project; also delegated authority to enact project scope adjustments, if necessary, post tender submission to contain within budget or seek additional funding


              ii.         submit the Material Change proposal for the Selby TCF project and agree the terms of and enter into any required agreements with Network Rail


             iii.         agree the final terms of and enter into the construction contract necessary to deliver the Skipton TCF project; also delegated authority to enact project scope adjustments, if necessary, post tender submission to contain within budget or seek additional funding


             iv.         note that if final costs for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 623